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 主要研究领域:从事鱼类学、生物地理学、生物多样性、渔业生态学研究。任Ecology of Freshwater FishResearch in Ecology、应用生态学报、中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)编委。




Kang B, Huang XX, 2021. Mekong Fishes: Biogeography, Migration, Resources, Threats, and Conservation. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture

Kang B, Liu M, Huang XX, Li J, Yan YR, Han CC, Chen SB, 2018. Fisheries in Chinese Seas—what we can learn from controversial official fisheries statistics? Reviews in Fish biology and Fisheries

Kang B, Huang XX, Li J, Liu M, Guo LG, Han CC, 2017. Inland fisheries in China: past, present and future. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture

Kang B, Deng JM, Wang ZM, Zhang J, 2015. Transplantation of Icefish (Salangidae) in China: Glory or Disaster? Reviews in Aquaculture

Kang B, Deng JM, Wu YF, Chen LQ, Zhang J, Qiu HY, Lu Y, He DM, 2014. Mapping China’s Freshwater Fishes: Diversity and Biogeography. Fish and Fisheries