2022.01---至今 jdb试玩-jdb捕鱼-jdb游戏 教 授
2012.01-2021.12 jdb试玩-jdb捕鱼-jdb游戏 副 教 授
1998.12-2011.12 jdb试玩-jdb捕鱼-jdb游戏 讲 师
1996.07-1998.12 青岛海洋大学jdb试玩 助 教
1989.09-1993.07 青岛海洋大学jdb试玩 本 科:海洋渔业
1993.07-1996.07 青岛海洋大学jdb试玩 硕 士:捕捞学
2005.10-2006.08 东北师范大学留日预校 日语培训
2006.10-2007.03 东京大学工学系研究科 研 究 生:
2007.04-2010.03 东京大学工学系研究科 博 士:环境海洋工学
2018.09-2019.09 挪威斯塔万格大学访问学者
工程流体力学 64学时/学年(本科课程)
海洋渔业与海洋农牧 32学时/学年(通识课程)
渔具力学 48学时/学年(研究生课程)
浮式消波堤水槽模型试验 20150106,横向, 2015.01-2015.12,8万,主持。
近海围网立体化养殖工程技术研究2008C12065-1,省攻关 2008-2010,参加。
Tang,Y.L.; Wei, S.W.; Yang, M.D.; Wang, X.X.; Zhao,F.F.*;Experimental investigation of local scour around artificial reefs insteady currents. J. Ocean Univ. China,2021.
Wang,G.; Huang, L.Y.; Wang, L.; Zhao,F.F.; Li, Y.Y.; Wan,R.; A metamodeling with CFD method for hydrodynamic optimisations ofdeflectors on a multi-wing trawl door, Ocean Eng.,2020, 232: 109045.
Wang,G.*, Martin, T., Huang, L., and Bihs, H., 2021, “Modelling theflow around and wake behind net panels using large eddysimulations,” Ocean Eng., 239, p. 109846
Wang,X.X.; Liu, X.Y.; Tang, Y.L.; Zhao,F.F.; Numericalanalysis of the flow effect of the Menger-Type artificial reefs withdifferent void space complexity indices, Symmetry,2021.
Zhao,F.F.; Yin, G.; Ong,M.C.; Numerical study on flow around partially buriedtwo-dimensional ribs at high Reynolds numbers. Ocean Eng.,2020, 198: 106988.
Tang,Y.L.; Yang, W.Z.; Sun, L.Y.; Zhao,F.F.*;Long, X.Y.; Wang, G.; Studies on factors influencing hydrodynamiccharacteristics of plates used in artificial reefs. J. OceanUniv. China, 2019.
Wan,R.; Jia, M.X.; Guan, Q.L.; Huang, L.Y.; Cheng, H.; Zhao,F.F.; He, P.G.; Hu, F.X.; Hydrodynamic performance of anewly-designed Antarctic krill trawl using numerical simulation andphysical modeling methods, Ocean Eng., 2020, 179:173-179.
Wang,G.; Huang, L.Y.*; Wang, L.; Zhao, F.F.; Wang, X.X.; Wan,R.; Effects of Euler angles of vertical cambered otter board onhydrodynamics based on response surface methodology andmulti-objective genetic algorithm., J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng.,2020, 143(2): 021401.
Tang,Y.L.;Hu,Q.; Wang, X.X.*; Zhao,F.F.*; Huang, L.Y.; Xie, T.; Evaluation of flow field inthe layouts of cross-shaped artificial reefs, ASME 2019 38thInternational Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,OMAE 2019-95192, June 9-14, 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Zhao,F.F.; Ong, M.C.; Tang, Y.L.; Wang, X.M.; Experimentalstudy on the hydrodynamic characteristics of artificial reefs, ASME2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and ArcticEngineering, OMAE 2019-96019, June 9-14, 2019, Glasgow,United Kingdom.
Huang,L.Y.; Li, Y.Y.; Ni, Y.; Cheng, H.; Wang, X.X.; Wang, G.;Zhao, F.F.*; Study on the influence of mesh grouping onnumerical simulation results of fish Cages, ASME 2019 38thInternational Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,OMAE 2019-95706, June 9-14, 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Wang,X.X.; Huang, L.Y.; Tang, Y.L.; Zhao,F.F.*; Sun, P.; Two-dimensional numerical simulation ofvortex shedding of multiple stranded Ropes, Proceedings of the ASME2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and ArcticEngineering, OMAE 2019-95225, June 9-14, 2019, Glasgow,United Kingdom.
Wang,G.; Wan, R.; Huang, L.Y.; Zhao, F.F.; Wang, X.X.; Zhu, W.B.;Wang, L.; Xu, Q.C.; Li, Y.Y.; Effects of Euler angles of verticalcambered otter board on hydrodynamics based on response surfacemethodology and Moga, ASME 2019 38th International Conference onOcean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2019-95308, June9-14, 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Wang,G.; W., R.; Wang, X.X.; Zhao, F.F.; Lan, X.Z.;Cheng, H.; Tang, W.Y.; Guan, Q.L.; 2018. Study on the influence ofcut-opening ratio, cut-opening shape, and cut-opening number on theflow field of a cubic artificial reef. Ocean Eng. 162341-352.
Cheng,H.; Huang, L.Y.; Ni, Y.; Xu, Q.C.;Zhao, F.F.; WANG,X.X.; Liang, Z.L.; Numerical and experimental study of spm fishcage: comparison and validation, ASME 2018 37th InternationalConference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,OMAE2018-78204, June 17-22, 2018, Madrid, Spain.
Cheng,H.; Huang, L.Y.; Ni, Y.; Zhao,F.F.; WANG, X.X.;Tang, Y.L.; 2018. Study on the flow characteristics of rope andcylinder with large-eddy simulation. ASME 2018 37thInternational Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,OMAE2018-78212, June 17-22, 2018, Madrid, Spain.
Huang,L.Y.; Li, Y.N.; Xu, J.Q.; Xu, Q.C.*; Jia, M.X.*; Liang, Z.L.;Zhao,F.F.; Wang, X.X.; Tang, Y.L.; 2018. Effectsof aspect ratio on the hydrodynamic performance Of circular camberedotter board. ASME 2018 37th International Conference onOcean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2018-78450, June17-22, 2018, Madrid, Spain.
Zhao,F.F.; Zhang, T.Z.;Wan, R.; Huang, L.Y.; Wang, X.X.*; Bao, W.G.; Hydrodynamic loadsacting on a circular porous plate horizontally submerged in waves.Ocean Eng. 2017, 136: 168-177.
XuQ.C.; Huang, L.Y.; Zhao, F.F.; Wang, X.X.; Tang, Y.L.; Liang,Z.L.; Wan, R.; Sun, P.; Liu, C.D.; Cheng, H.; Zhao, Y.P.; 2017.Effects of aspect ratio on the hydrodynamic performance offull-scale rectangular otter board: Numerical simulation study.Ocean Eng., 142, 338-347.
XuQ.C.; Huang, L.Y.; Zhao, F.F.; Wang, X.X.; Tang, Y.L.; Liang,Z.L.; Wan, R.; Sun, P.; Liu, C.D.; Cheng, H.; 2017. Study on thehydrodynamic characteristics of the rectangular V-type otter boardusing computational fluid dynamics. Fish. Sci., 83(2),181-190.
Wang,X.X.; Zhao, F.F.*; Tang, Y.L.; Huang, L.Y.; Wan, R.; Cheng,H., 2017. Numerical analysis of submersible mussel raft for exposedmarine environment, ASME 2017 36th International Conference onOcean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2017-61682, June 25-30,2017, Trondheim, Norway.
Tang,Y.L.; Long, X.Y.; Wang, X.X.; Zhao,F.F.; Huang, L.Y.; Effect of reefs spacing on flow fieldaround artificial reef based on the hydrogen bubble experiment Tang,ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore andArctic Engineering, OMAE 2017-61623, June 25-30, 2017, Trondheim,Norway.
Wang,X.X.; Wan, R.; Zhao, F.F.; Huang, L.Y.; Sun, P.; Tang, Y.L.;Comparative study of dynamics of gravity cages with different meshesin waves and current, ASME 2017 36th International Conference onOffshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2016- 54549, June19-24, 2016, Busan, Korea
Zhao,F.F.; Chen, Y.; Wan,R.; Huang, L.Y.; Sun, P.; Bao, W.G., 2015. Interactions ofhorizontal circular porous plates with waves. Proceedings of the25rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE2015,p1454-1461.June 21-26, 2015, Kona, Big Island, HI, United states
Huang,L.Y.; Xu, Q.C.; Wang, X.X.; Zhao, F.F.; Zhang, L.; Liang,Z,L,; Wan, R.; Shi; J.G.; Experimental study on resistancecharacteristics of three-stranded polyethylene twines in flow,International Conference on Logistics, Engineering, Management andComputer Science, LEMCS 2014: 512-516.
Zhao,F.F; Wan, R.; Huang, L.Y.; Liang, Z.L.; Kinoshita, T.; Bao, W.G;Fujihashi, K., 2013. Experimental study on scattering waves around aporous horizontal elliptic plate. Proceedings of the 23rdInternational Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2013.
Zhao,F.F.; Kinoshita, T.; Bao, W.G.; Huang, L.Y.*; Liang, Z.L.; Wan,R.; Interaction between waves and an array of floating porouscircular cylinder. China Ocean Eng., 2012,26(3),397-412.
Zhao,F.F.*; Kinoshita, T.; Bao, W.G.; Wan, R.; Huang, L.Y.;Hydrodynamics and wave-drift force of a porous cylinder. AppliedOcean Research, 2011, 33:169-177.
Zhao,F.F.*; Bao, W.G.; Kinoshita, T.; Itakura, H.; Theoretical andexperimental study on a porous cylinder floating in waves.Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2011,133(1).
Zhao,F.F.*; Bao, W.G.; Kinoshita, T.; Itakura, H.; Interaction ofwaves and a porous cylinder with an inner horizontal porous plate.Applied Ocean Research, 2010, 32:252-259.
Bao,W.G.; Kinoshita, T.; Zhao,F.F.; Wave forces acting on a semisubmerged porouscircular cylinder. Journal of Engineering for the MaritimeEnvironment, partM, 2009,223:349-360.
Zhao,F.F.; Wang, R.; Huang, L.Y.; Kinoshita, T.; Bao, W.G.;Wave Drift Force Acting on a Porous Body. Proceeding of APHydro2010(CD).
Zhao,F.F.; Kinoshita, T.; Bao, W.G.; Itakura, H.; Wave fieldsdiffracted by an array of porous circular cylinders. ASME 2010 29thInternational Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,OMAE2010-20288, June 6-11, 2010, Shanghai, China
Zhao,F.F.; Kinoshita, T.; Bao, W.G.; Itakura, H.; Theoreticaland experimental study on a porous cylinder floating in waves, ASME2019 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and ArcticEngineering, OMAE2009-79089, May 31-June 5, 2009, Honolulu,HI, United states.
Bao,W.G.; Zhao, F.F.;Kinoshita, T.; Itakura, H.; Calculation of wave forces acting on aCylinder with a porous plate fixed inside. 28th InternationalConference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,OMAE2009-79088, May 31-June 5, 2009, Honolulu, HI, Unitedstates.
Zhao,F.F.; Kinoshita, T.; Bao, W.G.; Wave fields diffracted byan array of truncated circular cylinders, ASME 2008 27thInternational Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,OMAE2008-57167, June 15-20, 2008, Estoril, Portugal.
Song,W.H.; Liang, Z.L.; Chi, H.F.; Huang, L.Y.; Zhao, F.F.; Zhu,L.X.; Chen, B.H.; Experimental study on the effect of horizontalwaves on netting panels, Fish. Sci., 2006, 72(5):967-976.
黄六一; 梁振林;万荣; 赵芬芳;朱立新; HDPE圆形升降式网箱下沉时最大倾角的研究,中国海洋大学学报,2006,36(6):953-95.
朱立新;梁振林;黄六一;赵芬芳;NumericalSimulation of Dynamic Response of Supple Nets,ChinaOcean Eng.,2006,03:443-456.
赵芬芳;梁振林;黄六一; 朱立新;浮筏式防浪堤消浪效果的试验研究,第三届海洋生物高技术论坛,2005.
黄六一; 梁振林;赵芬芳;朱立新;小尺度方形网箱浮框在波浪中的应变研究,中国水产科学,2004,增刊。
宋伟华; 梁振林;关长涛; 赵芬芳;黄六一;方形网箱水平波浪力的叠加计算和实验验证,海洋与湖沼,2004,35(3),202-208。
梁振林,赵芬芳,黄六一.卷扬式升降养殖网箱装置 实用新型ZL03268994.2,2004年
梁振林,黄六一,赵芬芳.鲆鲽类分层养殖装置 实用新型ZL03268995.0,2004年
梁振林,赵芬芳,黄六一.可控沉式养殖网箱 实用新型ZL03216979.5,2004年