


  1. Xu, R., Li, Q. and H. Yu (2020): Expression pattern of Piwi-like gene implies the potential role in germline development in the Pacific oyster Crossosrea gigas. Aquaculture Reports, 18:100486.

  2. Yang, Y., Qi, L., Kong, L.F. and Q. Li (2020): Phylogeography of marine gastropod Reticunassa festiva complex (Nassariidae) in the coast of China. Journal of Shellfish Research, 39:419-431.

  3. Feng, D.D., Li, Q., Yu, H., Liu, S.K., Kong, L.F. and S.J. Du (2020): Integrated analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression profiles in Crassostrea gigas to reveal functional miRNA and miRNA-targets regulating shell pigmentation. Scientific Reports, 10:20238.

  4. Gong, J.W., Li, Q., Yu, H., Liu, S.K. and L.F. Kong (2020): Validation of housekeeping genes for gene expression analysis in Iwagaki oyster (Crassostrea nippona) under salinity stress by quantitative real-time PCR. Journal of Ocean University of China, 19:1441-1446.

  5. Zhao, D., Kong, L.F., Sasaki, T. and Q. Li (2020): Molecular species delimitation of the genus Reishia along the coast of China and Korea. Zoological Science, 37:382-390.

  6. Liu, H.Y., Yang, Y., Sun, S.E., Kong, L.F. and Q. Li (2020): Mitogenomic phylogeny of Naticidae (Gastropoda: Littorinimorpha) reveals monophyly of Polinicinae. Zoologica Scripta, 49:295-306.

  7. Sun, S.E., Jiang, L.S., Kong, L.F. and Q. Li (2020): Comparative mitogenomic analysis of the superfamily Tellinoidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia): Insights into the evolution of the gene rearrangements. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D, 36:100739.

  8. Sun, S.E., Li, Q., Kong, L.F. and H. Yu (2020):Evolution of mitochondrial gene arrangements in Arcidae (Bivalvia: Arcida) and their phylogenetic implications. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 150:106879. 

  9. Yang, Y., Liu, H.Y., Qi, L., Kong, L.F. and Q. Li (2020): Complete mitochondrial genomes of two toxin-accumulated nassariids (Neogastropoda: Nassariidae: Nassarius) and their implication for phylogeny. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21:3545.

  10. Yue, C.H., Li, Q., Yu, H., Liu, S.K. and L.K. Kong (2020): Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) analysis in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas based on observation of individual sex changes. Scientific Reports, 10:9873.

  11. Han, Z.Q., Li, Q., Liu, S.K. and L.F. Kong (2020): Crossbreeding of three different shell color lines in the Pacific oyster reveals high heterosis for survival but low heterosis for growth. Aquaculture, 529:735621.

  12. Yue, C.Y., Yu, H., Li, H.J., Du, S.J. and Q. Li (2020): The endogenous EF-1α promoter is highly active in driving gene overexpression in developing embryos of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Aquaculture, 522:735134.

  13. Ran, K., Li, Q., Qi, L., Li, W.D. and L.F. Kong (2020): Molecular identification of Cerithiidae (Mollusca: Gastropod) in Hainan island, China. Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 31:57-63.

  14. Ran, K., Li, Q., Qi, L., Li, W.D. and L.F. Kong (2020): DNA barcoding for identification of marine gastropod species from Hainan island, China. Fisheries Research, 225:105504.

  15. Wang, T. and Q. Li (2020): Effects of temperature, salinity and body size on the physiological responses of the Iwagaki oyster Crassostrea nippona.Aquaculture Research, 51:728-737.

  16. Liu, K.K., Li, Q. and Q.Z. Li (2020): Multiplex PCR Sets of novel microsatellite loci for Iwagaki oyster Crassostrea nippona and their application in parentage assignment. Journal of Ocean University of China, 19:191-198.

  17. Xu, C.X., Li, Q. and J.D. Chong (2020): Combined effect of temperature, salinity and rearing density on the larval growth of the black-shell strain and wild population of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Aquaculture International, 28:335-347.

  18. Wan, S., Li, Q., Yu, H., Liu, S.K. and L.F. Kong (2020): Estimating heritabilities for meat composition traits in the golden shell strain of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Aquaculture, 516:734532.

  19. Han, Z.Q. and Q. Li (2020): Mendelian inheritance of orange shell color in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Aquaculture, 516:734616.

  20. Kong, L.K., Li, Y.N., Kocote, K.M., Yang, Y., Qi, L., Li, Q. and K.M. Halanych (2020): Mitogenomics reveals phylogenetic relationships of Arcoida (Mollusca, Bivalvia) and multiple independent expansions and contractions in mitochondrial genome size. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 150:106857.

  21. Wang, X.X., Kong, L.F., Martin, C., Li, Q. and A. Matsukuma (2020): A new species of Meretrix from the Arabian sea. Journal of Conchology, 43:655-663.

  22. Tang, Y., Zheng, X., Liu, H., Sunxie, F. (2020): Population genetics and comparative mitogenomic analyses reveal cryptic diversity of Amphioctopus neglectus (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae). Genomics, 112, 3893–3902.

  23. Tang, Y.,Zheng, X., Li, Q. (2020): Redescription of Amphioctopus ovulum (Sasaki, 1917) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) and comparative morphological analyses among three species of violet-ringed octopods. Invertebrate Systematics, 34, 823–836.

  24. Jiang, D., Zheng, X., Qian, Y., Zhang, Q. (2020): Embryonic development of Amphioctopus fangsiao under elevated temperatures: implications for resource management and conservation. Fisheries Research, 225, 105479.

  25. Xu, R., Zheng, X. (2020): Hemocytes transcriptomes reveal metabolism changes and detoxification mechanisms in response to ammonia stress in Octopus minor. Ecotoxicology, 29, 1441-1452.

  26. Bo, Q., Zheng, X., Chen, Z. (2020): Feeding intensity and molecular prey identification of the common long-armed octopus, Octopus minor (Mollusca: Octopodidae) in the wild.PLoS One, 15, e0220482.

  27. Qi, L., Kong, L., Li, Q. (2020): Redescription of Stenothyra glabra A. Adam, 1861 (Truncatelloidea, Stenothyridae), with the first complete mitochondrial genome in the family Stenothyridae. ZooKeys, 991: 69–83.

  28. Li, C., Qi, L., Kong, L., (2020): The complete mitochondrial genome of Nassarius graniferus (Gastropoda: Nassariinae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5, 2964–2965.

  29. 方佳峰李琪, 2020: 长牡蛎壳橙品系幼虫及稚贝生长性状遗传参数评估中国海洋大学学报, 50:38-44.

  30. 徐成勋李琪, 2020: 长牡蛎壳黑选育系F7代的生长规律和模型中国海洋大学学报, 50:45-51.

  31. 胡益鸣李琪刘士凯孔令锋, 2020: 温度和盐度急性胁迫对岩牡蛎存活及免疫指标的影响.中国水产科学, 27:286-294.

  32. 赵博文李琪王九龙于红, 2020: 长牡蛎酪氨酸酶基因(CgTyr1SNP多态性与壳色性状的关联分析水产学报, 44:195-205.

  33. 种金豆李琪徐成勋,刘士凯, 2020: 长牡蛎“海大3号”生长繁殖与营养成分的周年变化水产学报, 44:411-418.

  34. 田传远夏珮伦张嘉荣于瑞海郑小东顾忠旗黄继. 2020: 疣荔枝螺胚胎及早期发育研究中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 50: 10-16.

  35. 田传远夏珮伦张嘉荣于瑞海郑小东顾忠旗黄继. 2020: 疣荔枝螺(Thais clavigera Kuster)人工繁育技术研究海洋科学, 44: 122-130.

  36. 田传远夏珮伦张嘉荣于瑞海郑小东顾忠旗. 2020: 疣荔枝螺形态性状对质量性状的影响中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 50: 37-44.

  37. 于瑞海王永旺赵强刘永胜鲍源. 2020: 多肽菌素S100在海湾扇贝人工育苗生产上应用.海洋湖沼通报, 2020: 72-76.

  38. 李海昆于瑞海刘洋李春华王永旺马培振李琪, 2020: 近江牡蛎和长牡蛎的配子兼容性及合子育性水产学报, 44:1997-2006.

  39. 李海昆刘洋李春华王永旺于瑞海. 2020: 6-DMAP诱导黄河口近江牡蛎(Crassostrea ariakensis)三倍体的研究.海洋与湖沼, 51: 1194-1202.

  40. 李海昆王永旺刘洋于瑞海马培振陈洪彰孙长兵. 2020: 黄河三角洲近江牡蛎规模化苗种繁育技术研究中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 50: 48-55.

  41. 刘洋赵强于瑞海李海昆王永旺. 2020: 多肽菌素在长牡蛎人工育苗生产中的应用海洋科学, 44: 59-66.

  42. 刘洋于瑞海张哲田传远钱嘉文. 2020: 不同pH对海湾扇贝胚胎发育及幼虫生长发育的影响渔业科学进展, 41: 108-114.