
  • 研究室简介 About us







纤毛虫组学与基因进化: 针对纤毛虫独特的两型核结构,利用实验生物学、生物信息学分析等技术研究其接合生殖过程中的基因组重组和演化模式,并对该过程中所涉及的机制及基因功能进行揭示。



截止202112月,本团队以及合作者累计发表研究论文800 余篇,包括在本领域国际主流刊物发表SCI论文580余篇,出版专著5部、译著1部以及在境外出版专集2部。


The Laboratory of Protozoology,  was established in 1997. At present it consists of 6 permanent staff and about 20 research students. The laboratory is internationally respected by its “world-leading” achievement and “acknowledged center” in the field of cell development and taxonomy of marine ciliates.

Focus on ciliated protists, the research group mainly works on: ● Cell development: focuses on pattern formation of cortical structures and the nuclear apparatus, differentiation of new structures and the fate of old ones during cell division.  ● Diversity and taxonomy: concerns morphological taxonomy, species diversity and the spatial/temporal distribution of ciliates in various marine biotopes. ● Phylogenetics and systematics: focuses on reconstructing phylogenies with expanded taxonomic sampling and gene markers, in order to increase our knowledge and understanding of the evolutionary relationships within and among different groups of ciliates. ● Epigenetics: aims at understanding how epigenetic information affects gene expression and DNA replication. ● Genomics and gene evolution:  focuses on the patterns and mechanisms of MAC/MIC genome rearrangements during sexual conjugation.

Since 1990, the research group has undertaken over 20 research projects, mainly funded by the “National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program)”, the “Cheung Kong Scholars Programme”, “Taishan Scholar-Young Researcher Program”, the Natural Science Foundation of China, and also by the international schemes such as the DAAD (Germany), the Royal Society and Darwin Initiative (UK) and the CERB (Saudi Arabia) in collaboration with several oversea institutions (e.g. the University of Bonn, Germany, the Natural History Museum, UK, and the King Saud University).

Up to end of 2021, we published about 800 papers, including over 580 in international peer-reviewed journals, and 8 monographs. We achieved: second prize of the National Natural Science Award (2004); four times first prize of the Education Ministry Natural Science Award (1998, 2001, 2004 and 2008); second prize of the Education Ministry Natural Science Award(2019); first prize of Science and Technology Advancement Award of the State Bureau of Oceanic Administration (1997).

Main on going projects:

● Diversity pattern exploration and baseline data establishment of ciliated protozoa in freshwater wetlands of China (by NSFC);

● Study on biodiversity of ciliates in near-shore, anaerobic environment of the Yellow Sea (by NSFC);

● Epigenetic studies on the model organism Tetrahymena thermophila (by NSFC);

● Genome rearrangements during conjugation in Euplotes vannus (by NSFC);

Chromosome biology: deciphers transcription and recombination of meiotic chromosomes using bi-nucleated ciliates.